Peter Parker’s Homemade Spider-Man Suit Costume

When you need to take a break from working on a labor-intensive Spider-Man: Homecoming Spidey suit, the logical thing to do is make another Spider-Man costume. Replica Prop Forum (RPF) user Matthew Dela Cruz did just that and made Peter Park’s homemade Spider-Man costume from the recently released Marvel film. He worked on it in between making the complex, fancier suit. He found and modified a red hoodie. He says:

I reduced the width and altered the height until I got what I thought was accurate. I also unstitched the pockets and restitched them the way the movie had them. I replaced the zipper tab with an accurate one, replaced the drawstring with a shade of red that matches the hoodie, and I (temporarily) spray painted the drawstring’s aglets gold.

He then drew the spider symbol on with some chalk and painted over it with acrylic paint. You can see a photo of that below, as well as Peter’s web shooters.

View the complete build thread at The RPF for info on the making of this homemade Spider-Man suit, as well as the suit Tony Stark gives Peter.

via The RPF on Facebook, top photo by Slasher Photography

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