Event-TC Sessions: Robotics at MIT

If your around the MIT area on Monday 7/17/2017 here are 5 reasons TechCrunch has for coming to their robotics centered event called TC Sessions: Robotics:

1.)Discover how and why robotics are about to take off as a startup category. The majority of the top founders and investors in robotics will be on stage and around during breaks to network with the robotics community. The agenda is impressive. Top founders, engineers and educators are attending and speaking at TC Sessions: Robotics

2.)Meet lots of robots and their creators up close, including MIT’s Atlas and Cheetah, Soft Robotics, the LocusBot, Robocar, ABB’s YuMi, and many more. Demos will be conducted on stage as well as in an exhibition hall.

3.)Learn which robotics categories are primed to grow fast – autonomous vehicles, drones, industrial, medical, military, home helpers. Each of these industries are leaning on robotics and machine learning to reinvent themselves. You could say robots are eating the world but in not in a scary, Hollywood way.

4.)Find out what’s new from MIT’s CSAIL laboratories, plus get the lowdown in workshops on ABB’s latest technical innovations, collaborating with DARPA, and what it takes to be a robotics engineer. At TC Sessions: Robotics, attendees will get a chance to hear from the latest influencers and attend workshops to get a deeper understanding of these topics.

5.)Where else can you catch industry leaders like Daniela Rus (MIT), Rodney Brooks (ReThink), Martin Buehler (Disney), Helen Grenier (CyPhy Works), Colin Angle (iRobot), Gill Pratt (TRI) and many more? We’re honored to have the leaders of the robotics world attend and speak at the event.

Learn more about the event and how to attend here

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