This Company Will Turn Your Favorite Song Into an Ink Splotch #ArtTuesday

Via Creators

US-based design company Vibrato creates meaningful abstract artworks of your favorite songs or wedding vows.

If this kind of ink blotch reminds you of your last shrink visit, fear not! This smudge shall only dig up the best of your memories like when you walked down the aisle to Sade’s “By Your Side” or your baby’s first words. In fact, it is your wedding song and the little one’s first “Mommy” that gets re-presented in the abstract artwork of US-based design company Vibrato. The company borrows its name from a musical technique used by vocalists and instrumentalists to enrich the expression of a tone by rapid and slight variations of the pitch. In a similar manner, Vibrato tries to enrich the visualization of the sound that is so often limited to the interpretation of a computer rendering based on 1s and 0s by which “the soul is always lost in translation,” as the website states.

In quite an analog manner, the Vibrato sound box lets the song draw its own image—a self-portrait, if you will. A drop of diluted ink on a clear plastic sheet is placed over a speaker close enough so that the sound waves make the plastic vibrate and the ink disperse. The ink literally dances and thereby captures the sound as we hear it, not artificially abstracted by a computer. This musical fingerprint is then scanned, enhanced, and printed on high-quality paper to make a perfectly unique artwork.

Read more.

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