Dress Like Dragon Ball’s Zamasu

It’s been a while since we showcased a costume that came to life primarily through sewing skills. Ninja.Monkey.In.The.Machine has just the build for this with her take on Dragon Ball Z’s Zamasu. She made the ensemble in 2016. At that time, there weren’t many available images for the character.

She still turned out an accurate replica for a commission using spandex and satin/polyester fabric. To get the cuts of the shirt, pants, jacket, and everything just right, she modified existing patterns. For the jacket, for example, she explained:

Step 1 was to use THIS Cheongsam dress shirt as a base pattern. I used this knowing I would have to add length, width, remove the sleeves and create darting in the chest for a more pristine shape. It was a good base and helped me learn how to adjust form based on measurements.

Step 2 was taking that basic shape and adding to it. I lengthened the back, altered the front by creating a dual curve, create darts near the chest to accommodate muscle curvature and deepened the c-curve of the neck line. This was done using spare fabric and muslin I had in my fabric bins. I STRONGLY suggest using spare fabric when creating patterns that is either IDENTICAL or CLOSE to the same fabric you are using for the actual costume. I always have scraps about and it’s a great way to recycle excess fabric.

See a couple of in progress pictures below and get all the details on sewing this costume at Instructables.

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