High Visibility Cycle Lights #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Great project documentation and updates from RasPi.TV:

A few months ago I thought it would be cool to use some of my RasPiO InsPiRing LEDs to make some indicators (turn signals) for my bicycle. But then I got busy completing and shipping the InsPiRing KickStarter, and then went away for the summer. But just as I was coming back, Lorraine Underwood tweeted about her High Visibility Jacket which reminded me of the idea. Obviously I wanted to do it my way and install something permanently on the bike with wireless control.

Also I was due to purchase a new bike, which everyone had given me birthday money for LAST YEAR and I hadn’t even chosen it yet… and this year’s birthday was only about 2 weeks away. EEEEK. Get on with it boy! So I chose and ordered a bike. 2 days after I got it, I decided I needed to do this project RIGHT NOW!

The build was spread out over about 8 or 9 days, part-time, but the total amount of work involved was about 5 working days worth of time. I shot a bit of video as I went, and decided to try and document the development process. It didn’t go entirely as I planned at the outset – development rarely does – but I was able to get “something” up and running as a proof of concept on day 1.

This series will show the development process in “day-sized” chunks.

Read more about the project and see more videos from Alex Eames on YouTube.

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