20 Online Video Lectures on ‘Show Networks & Control Systems’ – for Haunted Houses, Holiday Shows, & More!

Named after the book of the same title, which was authored by John Huntington, one of the brains behind the annual Gravesend Inn haunted hotel in Brooklyn, NYC, John has also published a number of video lectures online – they’re essentially chapters from the book, in a condensed format. A few of them are embedded below.

John’s work with Gravesend Inn is basically what turned me onto this whole sector of what he calls the “industry” as both a craft and an art unto itself. These things aren’t simple, and that’s why systems were both designed and evolve over time to adapt to the changing needs of live entertainment. John thoroughly and patiently explains the history, and then the skills themselves. The systems are as applicable to any seasonal or holiday installations, or other immersive live acts.

And to get a glimpse of the system they use at the Gravesend Inn check out this video from CNN Money.


View all 20 online lectures here.


View all 20 online lectures here.


View all 20 online lectures here.

Show Networks and Control Systems* has been the industry standard reference in backstage control technology since 1994. With a unique combined focus on computers, networks, control systems, art and practice, the book offers an in-depth examination of the control and networking technology used in lighting, lasers, sound, stage machinery, animatronics, special effects, and pyrotechnics for concerts, theme parks, theatre, themed-retail, cruise ships, museums, interactive performing arts, and special events. This completely revised, reorganized and updated edition includes more than 30 new pages and dozens of brand-new graphics, with dramatically expanded coverage of show networking technology and fresh real-world examples. Drawing upon his extensive experience in the field and classroom, John Huntington clearly explains everything that goes on behind the scenes and inside the machines to bring bold visions to life in real-world settings. * Formerly Control Systems for Live Entertainment

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  1. Hey, thanks so much for the nice writeup! FYI, I have a new edition of the book to be released before the end of the year.


  2. Very cool @John! Send me a memo when you do and I’d like to check it out [normal at adafruit dot com].

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