From the mail bag…

Mailbag animated

From the mail bag!

A few years ago AdaFruit published a story about my daughter
and I working on a space balloon project ( I figured I owe Ada Fruit an update. After working on the space balloon, new projects emerged for daughter. During her fifth grade year she participated on her school’s First Lego League (FLL) Robotics Team. From there she has gone on to be a student mentor for the team for the past 2 years. During this season she even spurred on the creation of an all girl’s robotics team at the school. This was mostly in part that she want to show that girls can be engineers and programmers. She had noticed that in the past the girls on the teams where sometimes streamed rolled by the boys. Often statements like you are “only a girl” would be said by the boys. She has made it a personal goal to show just how much girls can do when it comes to robotics. She has taken this love of technology and begun to spread it to as many people as she can. I just want crew at Ada Fruit how much they have helped influence the next generation of makers and builders.


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