High School Senior Helps Develop System for Monitoring Concussion Risk with a Raspberry Pi @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

via the Wakefield Patch

Concussions are studied at colleges like Boston University, analyzed by Fortune 500 companies, and blamed for the drop off in football participation across the country. And the NFL? The leaders of America’s love affair with football would love to make them go away.

But maybe, just maybe, the solution for concussions won’t come from any of the above. Maybe it will come from a high school girl in Wakefield.

Tiana Rossi, a senior at the Pingree School in South Hamilton, with the help of Envision has designed a wearable concussion detection system that she hopes will one day help both athletes and coaches. It’s not Rossi’s first experience with Envision, a leading experiential education organization founded in 1985 and based in Virginia.

“These past five years I have been involved in several different Envision programs,” said Rossi, who lives in Wakefield. “My first being in fifth grade when my teacher first nominated me to go to D.C. for the Jr. National Youth Leadership Conference. I enjoyed this program so much that when I was given the opportunity again in sixth grade I went to the conference held right here in Boston and then again in seventh grade I went to the 2012 presidential inauguration with Envision. In eighth grade I went to the Alumni Boston Conference and just this past summer I went to San Francisco for a conference on how to successfully begin a start-up company.”

It was her work at a National Youth Leadership Forum in California this summer that resulted in Rossi being named one of 13 winning students and the only one from Massachusetts. The forum culminated with an investor pitch presentation, where teams presented their idea to a “Shark Tank-style” executive panel of business experts and owners. More than 250 students participated with 13 chosen to take their start-up idea to the next level by attending an all-expense paid trip to Washington D.C.

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