Noisebridge – SF hackerspace to move location in 2018 @noisebridge



Despite our best efforts to fly under The Storm, The Great San Francisco Reckoning has finally fallen upon us, and Noisebridge is staring displacement in the face in 2018.
Noisebridge’s lease will not be renewed by our landlords. Come August 2018, we will almost certainly be out of our space at 2169 Mission St.
Noisebridge is committed to providing a home for hacking and making in San Francisco, but staying in SF doesn’t come cheap. The price of space per square foot has more than tripled over our current lease.

Looks like it may have been a land-use / planning code thing?

Noisebridge is an award-winning anarchistic educational hackerspace in San Francisco, inspired by hackerspaces in Europe, like the Metalab in Vienna and c-base in Berlin. It is a registered non-profit California corporation, with IRS 501(c) charitable status. According to the Noisebridge website’s Vision page, “Noisebridge is a space for sharing, creation, collaboration, research, development, mentoring, and of course, learning. Noisebridge is also more than a physical space, it’s a community with roots extending around the world.” It was organized and began regularly meeting in 2007 and has had permanent facilities since 2008

Founded in 2007, one of the first hackspaces of its kind in the USA, seems like it should be preserved in some way, it’s of historical value.

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