You might’ve been expecting an Instagram Top Nine but nope! We’re highlighting the Top Ten Instagram posts you liked the most this past year. Just think of it as a top nine +1. Thanks for engaging with us =)
9. Raspberry Pi Pipboy 3000: Explore the apocalypse with a trusty Pi
8. Adafruit Animated Eyes Bonnet for Raspberry Pi Mini Kit – Without Displays
7. Follow along with this 3 part guide to build your own Overwatch Lucio Blaster.
6. Build a pair of electronic sunglasses with this guide in the Adafruit Learning System
5. Our logo is the perfect shape, don’t miss the 3D Printed Fidget Spinner guide in the Adafruit Learning System
4. Build your own mini timelapse camera guide here
3. Hanging out with @robotsaura as she shows us the inner workings of @qualcomm ‘s robot dress and gives us a tour of the @thinkabit_lab for #womeninhardware episode 3! Click the link in our bio for episode 2 with @autodesk ‘s senior research engineer Heather Kerrick!
2. Read more about Arduboy and read through the guide!
1. Mod your toys! Halo Energy Sword NeoPixel Upgrade Check out the full guide in the Adafruit Learning System!