E Ink Status Display

Interesting project from James Sutton via Jsutton.co.uk

Having a lot of things on your plate is often overwhelming, I currently have three roles to juggle at work right now and sometimes find it hard to focus on the task at hand when there are distractions around me in the office, GitHub and of course Email!

I came up with this project idea ironically whilst I was procrastinating and avoiding doing some tasks around the house that really needed doing, but hopefully it should help me: a) Focus on the task I’ve dedicated myself to at the time, and b) let anyone passing my desk know what ‘hat’ I’m wearing that day, or even if I’m at just lunch or working from home. I’d been eyeing up the Pimoroni Inky pHAT as I wanted to have a play with an E Ink display for a while now, so once It arrived on my doormat, it didn’t take long for project idea to come to me.

The Idea
This project is split into two halves, the first half: A client application running on a Raspberry Pi with the Pimoroni Inky pHAT attached, listening to a specific topic on an MQTT broker. The second half will be a React & Express web application that publishes status updates to the aformentioned MQTT topic.

See full project details!


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