SethB62 shared this doorbell solution over on Instructables:
I recently bought a home with a broken doorbell chime. Since I’m DIY geek I had to build the replacement. It is also nice to play any sound I want.
I used the Adafruit Stereo Bonnet Pack with RPI Zero W
Additional Parts:
SD card
USB power outlet – Or could use a Pi power adapter if you have a power outlet at the doorbell
Small USB to micro USB cable
Small proto board to solder connections
2 – 10k resisters
5 jumper cables
The installation will have to be customized to your existing doorbell system. I was hoping for a 3D printed Doorbell box I could print out at the local Makerspace, but I couldn’t find any suitable plans and have yet to learn how to make my own.
I used a reciprocating saw to cut open the sound chambers in the old doorbell housing and put in the speakers. The Pi Zero just stays in place with the micro USB power cable. I put a little tape to keep my circuit board in place. I striped the ends of the yellow leads from my circuit board and twisted together the bare copper wires with the wires from the doorbell button. My Doorbell button wire is blue and white-blue Cat 3. I covered the bare copper with electrical tape.
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