Why Arizona doesn’t observe Daylight Saving Time

Via USA Today

This year, Arizona celebrates its 50th anniversary of shunning DST. In 1968 the state Legislature voted to opt out of the Uniform Time Act that mandated daylight-saving time, a move that pushed sunset to a later hour. That was just not going to fly in a state where triple digits go on for months and residents wake up rooting for sunset.

Arizona may be the 39th-best state according to the latest rankings by U.S. News & World Report, but we are No. 1 when it comes to clock-based common sense.

Not that Arizona doesn’t feel the effects of disturbances in the time-change continuum.

• Arizona will be three hours behind New York, two hours behind Chicago, an hour behind Denver and the same time as Los Angeles.

• Sporting events outside Arizona will start an hour earlier, a welcome change when NCAA’s March Madness rolls around (though inconsequential for baseball because who outside of sports reporters watches to the end?).

• Shows will start earlier on some cable TV networks. AMC’s “The Walking Dead,” for example, lurches back to 9 p.m. Sundays from 10 p.m., making it available to a younger audience for which it is completely inappropriate.

• More importantly for Arizona, the sun will set at its normally scheduled time, though in summer it’s always way-too-late-thirty. If DST were enforced, the sun would stay up until 8:42 p.m. around the summer solstice, past the bedtime of the average Baby Boomer.

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