How to Make Glasses That May Help Lazy Eye #WearableWednesday #wearabletech #Arduino #DIY

Do you have a lazy eye? About 3% of the population suffers from Amblyopia and there are different approaches for improving the condition, although adults are often told that nothing can be done. These hacked 3D shutter glasses posted on Hackaday may help the problem according to creator Rarinn, who was inspired by new research. 

Quite recently I found an article on Wikipedia that details alternative form of treatment, in which liquid crystal panels are placed in front of the eyes and and their occlusions are driven by digital circuitry.

Rarinn has made alternating occlusion training glasses, and if you do some Googling you will discover that there are other researchers working with 3D glasses and even gaming technology to teach the brain how to have eyes working together. So, this rabbit hole is taking quite the twist.

The glasses use an ATtiny on a custom PCB to control the LCDs, and all the files are available on Instructables. This is the second version of the glasses according to Hackaday.

The first one took two batteries and didn’t generate enough voltage for the LCD panels. The newer design uses a Dickson charge pump to generate a higher voltage from the battery and surface mount MOSFETs to switch voltages to the panels.

This is not a beginner project and Rarinn gives plenty of warnings about voltage, equipment and potential effects for epileptics. So, if you decide you want to hack some 3D glasses, make sure you know what you are doing and consult an eye doc!

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