Adafruit’s new GEMMA M0 wearable microcontroller comes with CircuitPython support fresh from the factory. Plug it into USB and use any text editor to open and edit the “.py” file…it’s just that simple, no IDE to install!
We’re updating most of our “classic” GEMMA guides on the Adafruit Learning System to provide example CircuitPython code for the new board along with the original Arduino sketches, and bringing the latter up-to-date where needed. GEMMA M0 can run either one.
With something like 160 GEMMA-related guides in the Adafruit Learning System, watch for updates in small batches. Here are the latest:
Trinket Ultrasonic Rangefinder is full on utilitarian with the use of a 2 wire LCD and EZ1 distance measurements. While there is no bling bling factor in this tutorial it will teach you the essentials of using i2c and reading a PWM signal using CircuitPython. While the tutorial provides Trinket and Trinket M0 based examples this code will run on a Gemma M0.
Animated NeoPixel Glow Fur Scarf – This wearable light project features a push button which switches between 7 color pallets. This scarf code has been ported to CircuitPython and makes use of a new Adafruit Library ‘FancyLED‘. The combination of this furry scarf, a strip of NeoPixels and FancyLED make for a smoothly animated lighting effects complete with gamma correction.
Textile Potentiometer Hoodie – All sewing and no soldering. This textile based potentiometer slides to adjust eight sewn in NeoPixels through a smooth color shift. This hoodie is great for getting started with conductive thread and learning how to control color gradient.
Adafruit LED Sequins – Are you looking to manually drive some tiny LEDs? The LED sequins used in this project are easy to sew, fade and sparkle. This project is compact and teaches the basics of using non-addressable single color LEDs.
Gemma Firewalker Lite Sneakers – These sneaks represent some next level coding. The shoes each contain 40 NeoPixel LEDs that are responding in full RGB glory to a vibration sensor. The fireball lighting sequence is programmed in the form of three waves complete with gamma correction and custom hue tables. If you are looking to get familiar with high fidelity lighting start by reviewing the code for this project.