How to Cosplay As a Library

How much do you love books? Do you love them enough to consider dressing like a library? Instructables user pokiespout decided to wear his enthusiasm for the library on his face, and I’ve never seen a costume quite like it. He made a bookshelf/library mask. You could wear the shelf on its own or with a complementary outfit to sell a complete library look.

When he started the project, he wasn’t sure how exactly to execute his idea, but he figured it out. He explains:

I couldn’t have described it, but I understood how to make it. So I took one of my mannequin heads, started to cut a corrugated shipping box into pieces, and set out to build the thing that I saw in my head.

With cardboard and masking tape, I constructed the shelf directly on the head. I’ll spare you the exhausting details, as the photographs do a fair job of demonstrating the step-by-step process.

The key was to make a shelving unit that projected out far enough for me to hide the shape of my face within it. But it still needed to look reasonably-proportioned, and I had to be able to fill it with little books to further hide the internal contours.

View the beginning of the build below and learn more about every detail from constructing the shelf to covering each book at Instructables.

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