Biohacking : Glucose Challenge Testing @ Home


A glucose challenge test is the shorter less intense version of an oral glucose tolerance test. It can provide valuable insights related to diabetes risk and metabolic health. The test shows how well your body processes a significant amount of sugar. The cost is minimal as it only requires a blood glucose meter, four test strips and 50 g of glucose. I did my test for less than $40 and still have materials left over for another 12+ challenges.  The procedure involves recording blood glucose levels before drinking the glucose solution (fasted) and at periodic intervals after ingesting the drink.

Necessary equipment:

The process:

  • fast ( 8+ hours before the test) – while not critical this will give a clean baseline
  • take a blood glucose reading (this is a fasted blood glucose reading)
  • mix 50 g of glucose with 300 ml of water and drink the entire solution
  • wait 30 min: take a blood glucose reading
  • wait an additional 45 min: take a blood glucose reading
  • wait an additional 20 min: take a blood glucose reading


The target blood glucose readings would be in these ranges:

  • fasted reading < 60-99 mg/dL
  • 60 min < 140 mg/dL
  • 120 min < 120 mg/dL

The literature suggests that if you are above these ranges to consider going on to testing 75 g and even up to 100 g which are the normal amounts for an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (as opposed to this challenge test).

I did this test on myself and observed the following:

  • Blood Glucose Start: 85
  • Drank 50 g of glucose
  • wait 30 min: BG 159
  • wait 75 min: BG 95
  • wait 95 min: BG 65
The rocket like jump of my blood glucose to 159 in 30 minutes indicates that I’m quite sensitive to sugars. The last two readings suggest that my insulin is working well and that I caused myself to experience a crash. During the final reading with a blood glucose level of 65 mg/dL I was exhausted and had to lay down.

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