Wunderscan by Brian C. #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Hi Adafruit! I recently found a dead scanner at a local reuse
store and decided to try to revive it. The final product is a Raspberry Pi
Zero W controlled scanner that posts items to my family’s shared grocery
list. Now if we run out of a spice or favorite snack, we can simply scan it
to create a reminder to get more the next time one of us is at the store.

From his site:

I didn’t actually plan this project, but rather it found me. I was at the Scrap Exchange, a local reuse center, when I found a very nice looking scanner that you might find at a grocery store kiosk. It had been ripped from its connectors and had unlabeled wires hanging from it; a bit of hardware gore if such a thing exists. It was labelled on sale for $6.25, and a quick search revealed that it originally retailed at over $500. I thought a great use of this would be to keep near our pantry so that when we are out of a spice or snack, we could just scan the item and it would get posted to our shopping list. I figured I would try to reverse engineer it, and if all else fails, scrap it for the laser and motor. This is a longer post that goes through the entire process, so strap in!

Thanks for sending this in Brian!

Read more about this project here.

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