Automatic Guitar Tuner #MusicMonday

Work in progress from user486191 on

The purpose of this project was to demonstrate our mastery of the concepts learned throughout an embedded systems course. This project utilizes several areas covered in embedded systems, and proved a difficult challenge for our team. The goal of this project was to create a device which allows the user to select a certain frequency to tune a guitar string to, and then tune it automatically. The user would pluck the string, and as the guitar listens to the frequency created, the device would turn the tuning stud to raise of lower the frequency. This project makes use of analog to digital input from a microphone, frequency detection, state machine control, LCD user interface, and motor control. We implemented this project with the TI Tiva C Board due to its wide range of capabilities. This project made use of the TivaWare driverlib library to allow the easiest use of the board. For other functionalities, heavy use was made of the previous projects in this course, including the project with the character LCD. The functions used may be viewed in the included code.

The project was created by working from two ends and bringing the project together at the end. These two parts being the frequency detection and the LCD.

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