Real World Inspirations for 2018 Met Gala

The annual Met Gala took place on Monday night in New York, and the theme for 2018 was “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination.” Fashion designers could look to religious iconography and history for their clients. The stunning ensembles worn at the event are kind of like cosplay, but in a more highbrow and artful form. Designers pulled inspiration from paintings, from churches, from clergy, and from concepts. Twitter user Ashley, @AshleYoungXD, put ensembles worn by Gala attendees alongside their inspiration. Ariana Grande is wear a dress that emulates the Sistine Chapel, while Zendaya is sporting a modern take on Joan of Arc’s armor.

A few other outfits:

Browse the #MetGala hashtag on Twitter to see more memorable designs from the event.

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