3D Models of Adafruit Parts on Github

We’re (slowly) building a catalog of 3d models of various adafruit boards, parts and components. We put together a repo on github with all of our models – they’re available to download. They’re in the .f3D format, which is a native format from Autodesk Fusion 360. These contain sketches, solids and parametric timeline so they’re fully editable. Most of the board models are direct DXF imports from Lady Ada’s eagle cad files, which are also available on github (in their own repos respectively). If you use a different CAD package, the parts can be exported out of fusion 360 in many different CAD file formats (step, solidworks, sketchup, stl, etc.).

Just a FYI, Autodesk Fusion 360 is still free to download. Here’s a download link for a 30-day trial. You can create an account to sign up for the free education/maker license.

And if you are new to fusion 360 and interested in 3d modeling, I have a video playlist of tutorials I’ve made. Here’s the link to the youtube playlist.

Should we also include STLs of each part? Do you have any models you’d like to contribute? What model should we make that isn’t available? Let us know in the comments!

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  1. The link for fusion 360 is not working

  2. Thanks for the catch, Marcos. We fixed the link.

  3. If you’re going to provide the files in a secondary format, consider .step. Stl is a mesh file and is really only good for printing, step can be edited in other CAD software.

  4. yes, we’re considering adding STEP as it’s a good standard for solid cad packages. I’ve gotten numerous requests for STLs, mostly from tinkercad users. Thanks for your input.

  5. Christopher Elliott

    Another vote here for STEP. The use case I’m thinking of for STEP models is use in KiCad 3D viewer and export. I also agree with Louis about the downside of STL (mesh vs solid object). But I also understand the tinkercad users wanting a format that they can import. So, why not offer several formats that Fusion can export directly? Is Fusion scriptable so all you have to do is hit one button/macro/whatever and all the planned formats to provide are spit out automagically?

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