Rainbow Pride Traffic Lights and #MakeRobotFriend Crossing Sign – #CircuitPython

Adafruit’s favorite punster caitlinsdad has built yet another funkadelic project up on Instructables.

So I have an Adafruit Circuit Playground Express board to play with. This project seems like a good way to learn CircuitPython programming and to get more familiar with the Mu Editor and REPL function.

The board is capable of driving Neopixels which are the LED strips I have encased in the traffic light shells…… One of the advantages of developing with CircuitPython is that I was able to quickly change parameters and code. It allowed me to get all the timings and colors working on the correct Neopixels as I went along.


And as if this wasn’t enough, caitlinsdad made a #MakeRobotFriend crossing sign with a Circuit Playground Express

You can find all the fun up on Instructables!

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CircuitPython – The easiest way to program microcontrollers – CircuitPython.org

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