We’re delighted to have stumbled across this gem on VR Scout. From PlayTablecraft.com:
So you know that problem, where sometimes you’re introduced to a new concept that feels so abstract and memorization intensive that you just can’t see why anyone would ever want to learn it? The classic example is math. When math is introduced in the classroom, it is often in an abstract manner that we – the students – cannot associate with any personal experiences or emotions – and without that emotional and personal connection, we fail to get excited about the subject and thus begin to fall behind, which ends up being frustrating for you – the educator.
Tablecraft thinks that the Periodic Table is typically introduced with every bit as much dry abstraction as Algebra 2. It’s an example of the kind of thing that, if we felt comfortable and familiar with it, if it was something fun and exciting, then later on when we started to use those elements and learn about their properties in a classroom environment, chemistry as a whole would be a more intuitive and exciting subject, because we’d already have the comfort of familiarity. As game developers, we believe that we can contribute towards solving that problem, and as such, we’ve been designing Tablecraft to provide players with a fun and playful environment for first exposure to the Periodic Table of Elements – not necessarily because our players are paying attention to learning, but because the game is fun and appealing regardless. For a player, Tablecraft’s educational value should only feel like an added bonus to all the fun they’re having.
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