ESP Light Sensing System for ESP8266 & Cayenne

Built around a Sparkfun ESP8266 Thing Dev, Adafruit NeoPixel ring & INA219 sensor breakout, variable capacitor light sensor, and a few basic components, this project uses Cayenne to talk to the thing dev and control variables in the project like LED color intensity or even the ability to disable or enable the light sensor with the tap of an icon. Smart!

Smart cities are the result of the ever more pressing need to orient our life towards sustainability. Thus, these cities use infrastructures, innovation and technology to reduce energy consumption and reduce CO2 emissions. Due to the above mentioned, I want to orient my project to the development of intelligent cities.

When I wrote my idea to compete for free hardware I wrote about the situation with the lights of the city where I live: people steal them, decompose quickly and there is no logistic control to fix them. I proposed to build a prototype to show how you can automate all the control of lights of a city using the technology of microcontrollers with internet connection as the Sparkfun ESP-8266 and the Cayenne platform. Thanks to the organizers of the contest I got a Sparkfun dev board and motivated me to continue with the development of my project.

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