NEW PRODUCTS – Adafruit Backpacks for 7-Segment + 1.2″ 8×8 LED Matrix

1271 quarter ORIG 2018 07

NEW PRODUCTS – Adafruit Backpacks for 7-Segment + 1.2″ 8×8 LED Matrix

By popular request, you can now get our LED backpacks without the LEDs! These backpacks feature an HT16K33 I2C LED driver, they’re simple and easy to use – you can use our very nice library for the backpacks to get running in under half an hour, with numbers and letters displaying. If you’ve been eyeing matrix displays but hesitated because of the complexity, this is the solution you’ve been looking for!

First up, the 7-Segment!

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Like our other LED backpacks, these are end-to-end stackable and by soldering the address jumpers on the back you can have up to 8 backpacks all sharing the same two I2C wires!

Comes with a fully tested and assembled LED backpack & some header. Some light soldering is required to attach the header and, of course, the display.

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A 1.2″ 7-segment matrix display is not includedbut we have lots of options in the store! We only know that this backpack works with the ones we stock. Other 1.2″ 7-segment displays may not work, we don’t guarantee ’em.

And now, the 1.2” 8×8 LED Matrix Backpack!

1048 quarter ORIG 2018 07

Like our other LED backpacks, these are end-to-end stackable and by soldering the address jumpers on the back you can have up to 8 backpacks all sharing the same two I2C wires!

Comes with a fully tested and assembled LED backpack & some header. Some light soldering is required to attach the header and, of course, the display.

A 1.2″ 8×8 matrix display is not includedbut we have lots of options in the store! We only know that this backpack works with the ones we stock. Other 1.2″ square 8×8 displays may not work, we don’t guarantee ’em.

1048 top ORIG 2018 07

In stock and shipping now! Adafruit 7-Segment Backpack – 1.2″ Tall DigitsAdafruit 1.2″ 8×8 LED Matrix Backpack

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