That’s right! It’s CircuitPython on Raspberry Pi! Wire up your favorite sensors and use the same great CircuitPython code you’ve been using with microcontrollers right on your Raspberry Pi!
We’ve got tons of projects, libraries and example code for CircuitPython on microcontrollers, and thanks to the flexibility and power of Python its pretty easy to get it working with micro-computers like Raspberry Pi or other ‘Linux with GPIO pins available’ single board computers.
We’ve written a special library called Adafruit Blinka to provide the layer that translates the CircuitPython hardware API to whatever library the Linux board provides.
We’ve added all the libraries to PyPi so installation is super simple. We’ve updated the CircuitPython guides! They now have sections for wiring up the sensor to and installing the libraries on your Raspberry Pi. The CircuitPython code works exactly the same way it works on microcontrollers, so the code examples will work on your Raspberry Pi too!
We have over 80 guides to update, so watch for updates to the Adafruit Learning System in small batches. Here’s the next five:
MCP4725 Breakout Board – 12-Bit DAC w/I2C Interface – This breakout board features the easy-to-use MCP4725 12-bit DAC. Control it via I2C and send it the value you want it to output, and the VOUT pin will have it. Great for audio / analog projects, such as when you can’t use PWM but need a sine wave or adjustable bias point.
Adafruit TSL2591 High Dynamic Range Digital Light Sensor – When the future is dazzlingly-bright, this ultra-high-range luminosity sensor will help you measure it. The TSL2591 luminosity sensor is an advanced digital light sensor, ideal for use in a wide range of light situations. Compared to low cost CdS cells, this sensor is more precise, allowing for exact lux calculations and can be configured for different gain/timing ranges to detect light ranges from up to 188uLux up to 88,000 Lux on the fly.
TSL2561 Luminosity Sensor – The TSL2561 luminosity sensor is an advanced digital light sensor, ideal for use in a wide range of light situations. Compared to low cost CdS cells, this sensor is more precise, allowing for exact Lux calculations and can be configured for different gain/timing ranges to detect light ranges from up to 0.1 – 40,000+ Lux on the fly. The best part of this sensor is that it contains both infrared and full spectrum diodes!
Adafruit BME680 – The long awaited BME680 from Bosch gives you all the environmental sensing you want in one small package. This little sensor contains temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and VOC gas sensing capabilities. All over SPI or I2C! This precision sensor from Bosch is the can measure humidity with ±3% accuracy, barometric pressure with ±1 hPa absolute accuracy, and temperature with ±1.0°C accuracy. Because pressure changes with altitude, and the pressure measurements are so good, you can also use it as an altimeter with ±1 meter or better accuracy!
Adafruit 4-Channel ADC Breakouts – The ADS1115 and ADS1015 4-channel breakout boards are perfect for adding high-resolution analog to digital conversion to any microprocessor-based project. These boards can run with power and logic signals between 2v to 5v, so they are compatible with all common 3.3v and 5v processors. As many of 4 of these boards can be controlled from the same 2-wire I2C bus, giving you up to 16 single-ended or 8 differential channels. A programmable gain amplifier provides up to x16 gain for small signals.