Turn a Bluetooth Button into a One-Click Pi Zero W Automation Device | #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Clever post from Joonas at codeandlife on turning a cheap $8 Bluetooth button device (which are becoming increasingly common – and even cheaper!) into a one-click Pi Zero W automation button. They walk through some of their early failures and ultimately what they had to do to get things working:

This project was born as a sidetrack of another one (I’m planning on building a $10 DIY Bluetooth page turning pedal for my piano and iPad sheet music app, similar to PageFlip Butterfly). I was looking if AliExpress would have bluetooth pedals, which they don’t — it seems Chinese vendors are REALLY good at copying products but there is little new product innovation combining something as simple as a bluetooth keyboard sending one or two keys with a pedal (two items that they do have)! But while searching, I found this inexpensive gadget (in case the product is removed, you might just search for “bluetooth remote” at AliExpress.com):

So what is it? It’s an $8 disc with multimedia buttons that pairs with your smartphone and you can use it for example in car to control your music. But maybe it would pair with my Raspberry Pi W which has integrated bluetooth as well? Well it costs about nothing to find out!

Read more here.

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