via CDM
These days AI is everywhere, and music is not immune. In fact, over the last few months I think I’ve bumped into a whole host of start ups playing in this space. However, not too many of those are in a space where you might end up using that AI on a regular or even a daily basis.
So far I’m not sure that I’ve properly seen the promise of AI come to fruition in the music making world, but perhaps the AI in Amadeus Code is a use case that will really make sense. Using an algorithm to help write songs isn’t actually that new a thing. There have been quite a few attempts at doing that, but in hardware and software, and of course, to some extent there are similarities with generative music. However, where Amadeus Code fits in is squarely in the song writing space.
There are plenty of apps that promise to help you with making music. They take a range of different forms, whether it’s DJ’ing, making short pieces, making full tracks, or anywhere in between, and many of them utilise different approaches at assisting you in the process through some means. On a personal level I’m not sure I’ve found many of these approaches effective over time, and something that assists in creative process might be worth a look.
Amadeus Code describes itself as a
“powerful yet simple melody composing app that lets you make songs in minutes, whether you’re a beginner or a professional musician. Melodies are composed by a first of its kind proprietary artificial intelligence engine and can be exported as audio and MIDI files to a DAW of your choice for further creative production.”