Jigsaw: British Kid’s Puzzle-Solving Show from the 80s #SaturdayMorningCartoons

Here’s a full episode of an educational show called Jigsaw from the BBC. Its aim was to teach kid’s critical thinking skills through puzzle-solving. It was also super strange.

Cast members included a giant, a mad inventor, a Pterodactyl, a Sherlock Holmes-looking bumbling detective plagued by a mysterious burglar, a Hedgehog, a pixel-come-to-life, the O-Men (one played by Sylvester McCoy, the Doctor), and the infamous Mr. Noseybonk.

Here’s more from LostMedia

Jigsaw was a British children’s show that aired on BBC from 1979 to 1984 with a total of 45 episodes in six seasons. The show featured elements of puzzle solving as well as various skits and had several hosts/presenters.

Throughout the show, the presenters and supporting characters came together to solve a number of puzzles; these puzzles would then contribute to one larger conundrum that would be revealed at the end of the show. The viewer was encouraged to take part and solve the puzzles at home.

More about Jigsaw here!

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