New Products 10/24/18 Featuring Adafruit #Prop-Maker #FeatherWing! @adafruit #adafruit

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3906 01

AdaBox008 – Octo Crickit #MakeRobotFriend: Sometimes we wonder if robotics engineers ever watch movies. If they did, they’d know that making robots into slaves always ends up in a robot rebellion. Why even go down that path? Here at Adafruit we believe in making robots our friends!

This AdaBox008 is based around CRICKIT a Creative Robotics and Interactive Creations tool KIT. When paired with motors, servos, a Circuit Playground Express, and your own creativity, you’ll be able to craft your very own Robot Friend! See more!

3961 00

Precision screw removal pliers – PZ-57: If you’ve ever had to remove a stripped bolt or screw, you know how incredibly frustrating it can be. Normal pliers slip when trying to grip onto the screw head. Unless you’re careful, you can easily make the problem worse, requiring you to drill out the screw (a dangerous proposition). See more!

3960 00

Conductive Nylon Fabric Tape – 8mm Wide x 10 meters long: With our fun assortment of conductive materials, cosplay and wearables have never been easier to craft!

This Conductive Nylon tape goes great with our other interesting materials, such as copper tape, ITO glass or plastic, conductive inks, etc. We found that the metallic nylon fabric has some great improvements over plain copper tape. See more!

830 07

4 x AA Battery Holder with On/Off Switch: Make a nice portable power pack with this 4 x AA battery holder. It fits any alkaline or rechargeable AA batteries in series. There’s a snap on cover and an on/off switch which can be handy when wiring to something without a switch. See more!

3402 05

Pimoroni Picade X HAT for Raspberry Pi: Pimoroni has taken all the great features of the Picade PCB and crammed them onto this super Picade X HAT. It’s the best, easiest way to make a super-sweet arcade system using any Raspberry Pi. See more!

4011 02

Circuit Playground Snow Globe Kit: Light up the winter nights this year with an electronic Snow Globe! This kit provides everything you need to make your very own, no soldering required! You can use MakeCode to program various light and sound effects into the Circuit Playground Express. MakeCode uses easy-to-understand drag and drop programming blocks, so even if you’ve never programmed before, you’ll be rockin’ like the Rockettes. See more!

4013 01

Clear Acrylic Lens Holder + Hardware Kit for HalloWing: Here is the perfect kit for mounting a convex lens (glass or plastic) to your HalloWing! This holder has been laser-cut specifically for lenses with a lip-edge, so we can’t guarantee it’ll fit with any ol’ convex lens. But it does work great with ours. And of course, the mounting hardware is included so you can snap it right onto your HalloWing. Takes less than five minutes to assemble, you just need a screwdriver. See more!

3988 00

Adafruit Prop-Maker FeatherWing: The Adafruit Feather series gives you lots of options for a small, portable, rechargeable microcontroller board. Perfect for fitting into your next prop build! This FeatherWing will unlock the prop-maker inside all of us, with tons of stuff packed in to make sabers & swords, props, toys, cosplay pieces, and more. See more!

New Products 10/24/18 Featuring Adafruit #Prop-Maker #FeatherWing! @adafruit #adafruit

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