The age of rapid prototyping is upon us, with companies such as MikroElektronika, Adafruit, and Arduino making it easier for designers to bring concepts together in an impressively short period of time.
And on learning, in respect to using BNO055 sensor code from Adafruit:
Adafruit is one of my go-to places when I’m pulling together systems for demo or teachings. Not only are the hardware designs solid, but the documentation is top level. Every product is released with an excellent amount of collateral including app notes and hookup guides.
Adafruit to the rescue. When one visits the BNO055 breakout board webpage, there’s a short video showing a 3D Bunny following the motion of a wireless connected breadboard. This “bunny” code (Fig. 3) is also the first example sketch that appears under the Adafruit BNO055 Library Example list. The bunny sketch example is paired with another application (also called a sketch) that runs in Processing.
In summary, they say:
It’s clear that the age of rapid prototyping is upon us. Companies like MikroElektronika, Adafruit, and of course Microchip, are putting a large amount of effort into allowing designers to bring concepts together in an impressively short period of time. The cross-compatibility of the hardware prototyping standards mean less time at the soldering station and more time refining design. Example solutions are being handed out on plates these days—don’t be afraid to reach out and take one.
You can read the entire article here. Thank you ElectronicDesign – indeed Adafruit spends a great amount of resources to provide products, best-in-class documentation, and support.