CPAP Machine hackers for Sleep Apnea

Adafruit 2018 0952


Why Sleep Apnea Patients Rely on a CPAP Machine Hacker.

The free, open-source, and definitely not FDA-approved piece of software is the product of thousands of hours of hacking and development by a lone Australian developer named Mark Watkins, who has helped thousands of sleep apnea patients take back control of their treatment from overburdened and underinvested doctors. The software gives patients access to the sleep data that is already being generated by their CPAP machines but generally remains inaccessible, hidden by proprietary data formats that can only be read by authorized users (doctors) on proprietary pieces of software that patients often can’t buy or download. SleepyHead and community-run forums like and have allowed patients to circumvent medical device manufacturers, who would prefer that the software not exist at all.

Read more.

SleepyHead: OpenSource CPAP Review & Research Software – GitLab.
SleepyHead has been designed for reviewing and exploring data produced by CPAP and related machines, which are devices used in the treatment of sleep apnea. It is a desktop application created by the Australian software developer Mark Watkins – jedimark.

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