Zozosuit: The bizarre spandex bodysuit revolutionizing the fashion industry #WearableWednesday

A new clothing company is promising custom fit clothing without the dressing room. Zozo will send a Zozosuit to you for high tech at home measuring. Using an app on your phone measurements will be taken based off the white dots scattered across the suit.

Via C-Net:

The Zozosuit is the brainchild of Yusaku Maezawa, a punk drummer turned Japanese billionaire entrepreneur and founder of Japan’s biggest online fashion retailer, Zozotown. He also happens to be a big fan of Jean-Michel Basquiat and, thanks to Elon Musk, he’s set to be the first private citizen to go to the moon.

Maezawa saw a gap in the market: easy-to-order, custom-fit clothing. The first seeds for the Zozosuit were planted.

Zozosuit promises a world where jeans aren’t too long or too short or too baggy or too wide, and tees rest perfectly on shoulders bony, flat, crooked or slim.

The intent of Zozo from Maezawa down, Gould-Simon says, is to empower people to look good and that remains a core aspect of Zozo’s vision. For now, there are no plans to use the measurement technology in any way outside apparel, but there are obvious applications for weight management and tracking that would complement the already existing service. Still, Zozo is focused on getting the Zozosuit — not just Maezawa — in front of the world.

Read more!

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