2001: A Space Odyssey’s iconic music, explained | Light and sound #adabox10 @adafruit

There’s so much to say about light and sound with regards to Kubrick’s brilliant 2001: A Space Odyssey. We could pontificate on it all day and all night! But as Hal once said, “I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

However, I find this piece from Vox to be a pretty good jumping off point on this topic because they start with, well, the very beginning of the film.

In many ways, the story of how Kubrick found the score of his film is the movie in a nutshell, with some of his colleagues immediately getting what Kubrick was going for and others being driven so hard by the man that they eventually buckled. Indeed, several composers were hired to write an original score for 2001, but Kubrick eventually discarded those contributions in favor of his classical music “temporary” tracks.

Read more.

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