Robot Design: The Curious Case of Social Robot Aesthetics #ai #aiy @roboticbusiness @adafruit

Robot Design: The Curious Case of Social Robot Aesthetics

Alexandre Colle writes in Robotics Business Review about robot aesthetics after watching the video where Limor Fried of Adafruit talks to James McLurkin of Google (video – also below). They had discussed ways of using new AI-embedded devices and their motivations for the project.

The speakers said their first motivation is letting people train Google AI recognition in their homes. The second, according to McLurkin, is “the top-secret plan is to build things that build more engineers.”

Colle writes:

Spoiler alert: Engineering won. The very complex ecosystem we are developing is getting incredibly difficult to understand without been trained in science and mathematics. The left-brained part of humanity is responsible for the most part of our progress. With the help of data, our understanding of the universe is growing, and nothing seems impossible anymore. However, a purely technical approach to social robot design is unlikely to succeed.

Colle advocates for a new approach to robot design. providing examples of the baby seal Paro and KUKA.

Read the article and the conclusions in Robotics Business Review.

Background on the Adafruit – James McLurkin interview:

Adafruit Blog Post: James McLurkin visits Adafruit


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