AWS DeepRacer is a 1/18th scale race car which gives you an interesting and fun way to get started with reinforcement learning (RL).
RL is an advanced machine learning (ML) technique which takes a very different approach to training models than other machine learning methods. Its superpower is that it learns very complex behaviors without requiring any labeled training data, and can make short term decisions while optimizing for a longer term goal.
Looking into building autonomous vehicles but not paying for the costly hardware build or learning software? This may be the path for you. Train, test, and iterate quickly and easily.
With AWS DeepRacer you do not need to manually set up a software environment, simulator or configure a training environment. AWS DeepRacer offers an integrated simulation environment and reinforcement learning platform hosted on the AWS Cloud for experimentation and optimization of your autonomous racing models.
Under the hood
CAR | 18th scale 4WD with monster truck chassis |
CPU | Intel Atom™ Processor |
STORAGE | 32GB (expandable) |
WI-FI | 802.11ac |
CAMERA | 4 MP camera with MJPEG |
SOFTWARE | Ubuntu OS 16.04.3 LTS, Intel® OpenVINO™ toolkit, ROS Kinetic |
DRIVE BATTERY | 7.4V/1100mAh lithium polymer |
PORTS | 4x USB-A, 1x USB-C, 1x Micro-USB, 1x HDMI |
SENSORS | Integrated accelerometer and gyroscope |
You can preorder the DeepRacer car on here (currently $249 at the time of this article).