Adafruit CRICKIT HAT for Raspberry Pi Linux Computers #MakeRobotFriend #CRICKIT #RaspberryPi #Robotics #Raspberry_Pi

Adafruit CRICKIT HAT for Raspberry Pi Linux Computers Turn your Raspberry Pi into a robotic

Here at Adafruit, we believe in making robots our friends! So if you find yourself wanting a companion, consider the robot. They’re fun to program, and you can get creative with decorations.

With that in mind, we designed the Adafruit Crickit HAT – That’s our Creative Robotics & Interactive Construction Kit. It’s an add-on to the Raspberry Pi that lets you #MakeRobotFriend using Python!

Adafruit CRICKIT HAT for Raspberry Pi Linux Computers Turn your Raspberry Pi into a robot

Plug the Crickit HAT onto your Pi using the standard 2×20 GPIO connector and start controlling motors, servos, solenoids. You also get 8 signal pins with analog inputs or PWM outputs, capacitive touch sensors, a level-shifted NeoPixel driver and 3W amplified speaker output from the I2S port. It complements & extends your Pi, doing all the things a Pi can’t do, so you can still use all the goodies on the Pi like video, camera, Internet, bluetooth… but now you have a robotics playground as well.

Adafruit CRICKIT HAT for Raspberry Pi Linux Computers

Control of the motors, sensors, NeoPixels, capacitive touch, etc. is all done in Python 3. It’s the easiest and best way to program your Pi, and after a couple pip installs you’ll be ready to go. Audio is handled by the Pi’s built in audio system, so anything that plays audio will come out the speaker – that includes Python commands or any application with sound.

Check out the new guide covering the CRICKIT HAT for specifications, use, software and more!

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