Hear What the World Sounds Like Without Humans #MusicMonday

via The Verge

Since its beginning in 2014, Cities and Memory has created sound maps focused on protest, sacred places, and photographs. Its newest project, however, steps away from humans and instead focuses on the areas where the natural world is undisturbed. Sounding Nature is the biggest global collection of nature sounds, featuring nearly 500 sounds from 55 countries, from jungles to glaciers to underwater shrimp recordings. The map has two parts: the field recording of the sound itself, and then the musical remix it inspired.

“First, we wanted to try and showcase what a map of the world would sound like if you couldn’t hear the humans. That’s really difficult to do because humans are a really, really noisy bunch and we’re getting louder all the time. Noises in the ocean have doubled every 10 years for the past 50 years, and the trend is holding even for remote areas.”

Hear and learn more!

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