Timothy Garcia’s CircuitPython magazine spread @eighthree

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Timothy Garcia – Web Designer, CircuitPython magazine spread.

I just wanted to share a magazine spread design I did themed around CircuitPython for my final exam for InDesign CC at Uni. It was a four-hour exam but felt like fifteen minutes because I enjoyed working with the content. I took the photos from the Adafruit Flickr, It was a great resource ! Thank you and to the rest of the Adafruit team for serving as an inspiration to many of my design school projects.

Have a great weekend!

Kind regards,

Timothy Garcia

PDF is here.

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1 Comment

  1. Hey Timothy! Just wanted to say, and let you know, that this spread looks amazing. Actually, no. It looks A-MA-ZING! When I saw it pop up on the “Ask An Engineer” replay, I was ready to go check out the magazine/article.

    When they said it was a design project for a fictitious magazine/spread, I was blown away at how pro it looked! Reminded me of something similar my wife had to do a while back for her graphic design degree.

    If I had to make a single minor suggestion, that the OCD hamster in my head spotted, it’s the page numbering, which felt “off” starting at 1. Otherwise, really great job, and I have no doubt you’ve gotten a good grade for this project, and will go far with your skills and talent.


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