UPDATED GUIDES – Buttons, Sounds and LCDs for Raspberry Pi #rpi


CircuitPython libraries are now available on all Raspberry Pi Models (v1, v2, v3 and Zero). It does not matter if you have an older 26-pin Pi (v1, v2) or a newer 40-pin (v3 and Zero). We have been updating our older Pi tutorials to be compatible across every released Pi version to date. The most recent guides to be made CircuitPython friendly are:

Playing sounds and using buttons with Raspberry Pi

Use CircuitPython libraries on a Raspberry Pi to trigger audio file playback using tactile button presses. If you have not already used the Raspberry Pi as a input device this guide will show you how to wire up the buttons to the GPIO pins and access their state from a python script.

Playing sound and using buttons with Raspberry Pi

Driving a 16×2 LCD with the Raspberry Pi

Adding a LCD to any project immediately kicks it up a notch. This tutorial explains how to connect an inexpensive HDD44780 compatible LCD to the Raspberry Pi using 6 GPIO pins. While there are other ways to connect using I2C or the UART, this is the most direct method that gets right down to the bare metal. The example Python code sends date, time, and the Pi’s IP address to the display. If you are running a Pi in headless mode, being able to determine the IP address at a glance is really handy.

Drive a 16×2 LCD with the Raspberry Pi

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