If you have not found it yet, http://www.vgamuseum.info is a wonderful site with the collected history of modern electronics with a focus on graphics cards.
An unexpected surprise was a page on the chronologic history of CPUs by date and manufacturer! How did your favorite company come to make your favorite processor, it’s all here: Intel, Motorola, MOS, TI, National, Zilog, and AMD all kick off the list.
Site owner Vlask writes:
This is my latest project. Some people asked me about doing a CPU tree, (be)cause they liked (their) graphics cards version. Well, years passed and still no one did a CPU version. So, because I’m still unemployed (no IT work found in my area), I said myself: let’s do it. Anyone can help. This will be bigger project than the graphics tree and I will need help for sure. Closer info and discussion can be found on CPU-World forums.
If you feel brave enough for helping, just choose your favourite CPU maker and tell us on CPU-World forum. A sample file for the VUE editor can be downloaded in attachments. They will update also a big version with all parts connected (you can start also by editing this bigger file) – can be downloaded here. Last updated full file size picture can be seen/downloaded here. If you don’t like editing in VUE, you can still send text info about cpu and they will add them. So far, these people are working on the project:
Vlask – everything except stuff that these people did:
achtung049 – Compaq, DEC, HP.
henriok – PPC/POWER.
Tralalák – VIA.
Here is a close-up part of the upper right corner
So to download your own, here are the links to various sizes (as this is a huge file when of a good size):
- Small image version
- Full size image (8840×2029 png)
- VUE editor version with logos (zip)