ICYMI: Python snakes its way to TI calculators and more! #Python #Adafruit #CircuitPython #ICYMI @circuitpython @micropython @ThePSF @Adafruit

ICYMI (In case you missed it) – Tuesday’s Python on Microcontrollers Newsletter from AdafruitDaily.com went out – if you missed it, subscribe now!

Next one goes out in a week and it’s the best way to keep up with all things Python for hardware. It’s the fastest growing newsletter out of ALL the Adafruit newsletters!


CircuitPython snakes its way to TI calculators

Spotted on TwitterTI-Planet TI-Python: import sys reveals CircuitPython Adafruit!

If we’re reading this correctly the upcoming TI-83 Premium CE calculator will have a TI-Python adapter that runs CircuitPython the first quarter of 2019! (gallery)

This means CircuitPython snakes its way to TI calculators! – Adafruit.

ATMakers, Xbox assistive technology and CircuitPython

ATMakers has been harding at work making customized controllers for the new Microsoft XBox Adaptive Controller. This video goes through what they have come up with and shows how eight of them will work – YouTube.

CircuitPython cheatsheet!

We now have a handy CircuitPython cheat sheet by Dave Astels, part of awesome-circuitpython! – GitHub.

MicroPython PyBoardD at FOSDEM

MicroPython – Python for Microcontrollers at FOSDEM, a talk bt Christine Spindler. How high-level scripting languages make your hardware project beautifuly easy – fosdem.org.

The video and slides are up on the page and there are there was the new version of the PyBoard at the event.

Pyboard D-Series, from slides.

Pyboard earrings and photos – Twitter.

Discord was made for gamers, but other engineers have found it to be a great tool for their open source projects. Adafruit’s Discord server is now listed in the open-source section of Discord where we do all our CircuitPython development in the open in #circuitpython – Join us!

News from around the web!

Open hardware, open software and a detailed explanation of how LiDAR works right down at the component level, using CircuitPyton – hackaday.io.

PythonBytes podcast had Nina Zakharenko as a guest and talked about “Using CircuitPython and MicroPython to write Python for wearable electronics and embedded platforms” – Episode #115: Dataclass CSV reader and Nina drops by at PythonBytes.

Arc reactor made with CircuitPython by Anthony Fox.

We started CircuitPython on reddit recently and it’s really taking off! Thank you to the 200+ subscribers on https://www.reddit.com/r/circuitpython/!

More CircuitPython with the SparkFun LumiDrive – SparkFun.

Brent is building a CircuitPython-Powered LoRa sensor network to connect with Adafruit.io, using the LoRa Radio Bonnet for Raspberry Pi – Twitter.

Groguard has some progress on the Giant Board “The Giant Board beta images are starting to look pretty good! Adafruit’s Blinka – CircuitPython for Linux and over 100 libraries will be included in the default images.”Twitter.

Build a fairground wire maze game with audio using an Adafruit CircuitPlayground Express and CircuitPython – kidscodecs.com.

Hello World! Testing 128×32 OLED display running CircuitPython on a Raspberry Pi Zero Single Channel LoRa RFM95 Gateway – Twitter.

We added a ton of CircuitPython Blinka to the latest update of our Stickers app for iMessageAdafruit.

Looks like a i8080 emulator on CircuitPython is in the works – Twitter.

DocAssist project using an Adafruit NeoTrellis M4 and CircuitPython! It’s a simple color coding and keystroke injection makes repetitive documentation a snap! – Twitter.

Blitz City DIY has an update to the IR controlled Crickit bot, now in a chassis with wheels and utilizing the IR LED matrix flower. Coded in CircuitPython – Twitter.

“Energon Cubes” made with Trinket M0 and CircuitPython – Instagram.

TG-Techie made some great progress on the CircuitPython powered Tricorder – Twitter.

CastVolumeKnob is hardware volume control for Chromecast Audio devices, based on the ESP8266 microcontroller using MicroPython – hackaday.io.

[python-committers] 2019 Steering Council Election Results – Who will lead Python together going forwards. Congrats Carol! And everyone on the council! Thank you in advance!

French language CircuitPython tutorials – lecluseo.scenari-community.org.

Pomodoro timer with ToF sensor in CircuitPython – RAREblog.

Python projects on Glitch – glitch.com/@python.

pyTaxPrep/taxes-2018 fills out forms for 2018 tax returns – GitHub.

Python is TIOBE’s programming language of the year 2018 – TIOBE.

Python for Everybody, Everywhere – edx.org.

Python in Visual Studio Code – January 2019 release – Microsoft developer.

ASCII generator (image to text, image to image, video to video) – GitHub.

More progress on the MicroPython based 5x5x5 Rubik’s Cube solving robot – YouTube.

November and January Melbourne MicroPython Meetup posts are up – Thanks Matt!

MicroPython port for Open-ISA’s VEGA board – GitHub.

Micropython — JUST works! By Nihal Pasham.

Yoga command center made with Python and Raspberry Pi – Reddit.

New Beta for Pythonista 3.3 – forum.omz-software.com.

ForceBru is a virtual machine written in Python that executes raw x86 binaries according to the Intel Software Development Manual – GitHub.

Google’s Python Class – developers.google.com.

How To Save A Child’s Life with Python, AWS IoT, AWS Lambda and Twilio Wireless – Twilio blog.

How to tame Python – kanoki.org.

Kite raises $17 million for its AI-powered Python developer environment – venturebeat.

8 fun facts about Python by Ben Larson.

A new grant for attending EuroPython conferences, the Guido van Rossum Core Developer Grant – europython-society.org.

Your First Machine Learning Project in Python Step-By-Step by Jason Brownlee.

Awesome Python security resources – GitHub.

Minerva is a CPU core that currently implements the RISC-V RV32I instruction set. Its microarchitecture is described in plain Python code using the nMigen toolbox – GitHub.

The latest Wireframe magazine, issue 06 has how to make a text adventure game in Python – GitHub.

Bluetooth 5.1 news “On January 28th the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) released a new v5.1 version of the Bluetooth Core Specification supporting a brand-new feature called Direction Finding. This enhances existing Bluetooth Locationing Services with improved accuracy in real-time locationing (RTLS) and indoor positioning systems beyond what was previously possible with Bluetooth wireless technology”nordicsemi.com.

Maintainer spotlight: Safia Abdalla – “In the spirit of Black History Month, throughout February GitHub is featuring Black maintainers who are making impactful contributions to the world through open source. Safia is a maintainer on the nteract project and a software engineer at Microsoft”GitHub.

PyDev of the Week: Ali Spittel from Mouse vs Python

CircuitPython weekly meeting for February 4th, 2019 on YouTube on diode.zone

#ICYDNCI What was the most popular, most clicked link, in last week’s newsletter? HackSpace Magazine, Issue 15 PDF.

Made with Mu, third party packages

Updates and more on the simple support for third party packages – GitHub.

Coming soon

Tricorder made in less than 5 minutes with CircuitPython – YouTube.

New Learn Guides!

HalloWing Macintosh from Noe and Pedro

Grand Central USB MIDI Controller in CircuitPython from John Park

CircusPython: Jump through Hoops with CircuitPython Bluetooth LE from Dan Halbert

Updated Guides – Now With More Python!

You can use CircuitPython libraries on Raspberry Pi! We’re updating all of our CircuitPython guides to show how to wire up sensors to your Raspberry Pi, and load the necessary CircuitPython libraries to get going using them with Python. We’ll be including the updates here so you can easily keep track of which sensors are ready to go. Check it out!

Keep checking back for more updated guides!

CircuitPython Libraries!

CircuitPython support for hardware continues to grow. We are adding support for new sensors and breakouts all the time, as well as improving on the drivers we already have. As we add more libraries and update current ones, you can keep up with all the changes right here!

For the latest drivers, download the Adafruit CircuitPython Library Bundle.

If you’d like to contribute, CircuitPython libraries are a great place to start. Have an idea for a new driver? File an issue on CircuitPython! Interested in helping with current libraries? Check out this GitHub issue on CircuitPython for an overview of the State of the CircuitPython Libraries, updated each week. We’ve included open issues from the library issue lists, and details about repo-level issues that need to be addressed. We have a guide on contributing to CircuitPython with Git and Github if you need help getting started. You can also find us in the #circuitpython channel on the Adafruit Discord. Feel free to contact Kattni (@kattni) with any questions.

You can check out this list of all the CircuitPython libraries and drivers available.

The current number of CircuitPython libraries is 131!

New Libraries!

Here’s this week’s new CircuitPython libraries:

Updated Libraries!

Here’s this week’s updated CircuitPython libraries:

PyPI Download Stats!

We’ve written a special library called Adafruit Blinka that makes it possible to use CircuitPython Libraries on Raspberry Pi and other compatible single-board computers. Adafruit Blinka and all the CircuitPython libraries have been deployed to PyPI for super simple installation on Linux! Here are the top 10 CircuitPython libraries downloaded from PyPI in the last week, including the total downloads for those libraries:

Library Last Week Total
Adafruit-Blinka 508 17209
Adafruit_CircuitPython_BusDevice 249 8386
Adafruit_CircuitPython_NeoPixel 117 2257
Adafruit_CircuitPython_Register 100 1592
Adafruit_CircuitPython_MotorKit 80 804
Adafruit_CircuitPython_PCA9685 69 824
Adafruit_CircuitPython_ServoKit 68 365
Adafruit_CircuitPython_ADS1x15 66 897
Adafruit_CircuitPython_Motor 60 915
Adafruit_CircuitPython_CharLCD 57 7575

Upcoming events!

February 23rd, Pawtucket, RI. Intro to Python: Adafruit CircuitPython & Circuit Playground Express by Ocean State Maker Mill – eventbrite.

PyCascades 2019! February 23 — 24, 2019, Seattle. WA. PyCascades is a two-day Python conference that will be held in the scenic coastal city of Seattle, Washington (USA).

Nina Zakharenko will be doing a talk “Light Up Your Life – With Python and LEDs!” which includes CircuitPython!

Organized by the members of the Python communities in Vancouver, Seattle, and Portland, they aim to bring together Python users and developers from both the Pacific Northwest and around the world – 2019.pycascades.com Tickets are on sale now!

May 2019 Cleveland, Ohio! The PyCon 2019 conference, which will take place in Cleveland, is the largest annual gathering for the community using and developing the open-source Python programming language. It is produced and underwritten by the Python Software Foundation, the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing and promoting Python. Through PyCon, the PSF advances its mission of growing the international community of Python programmers – PyCon.

Latest releases

CircuitPython’s stable release is 3.1.2 and its unstable release is 4.0.0-beta.1. New to CircuitPython? Start with our Welcome to CircuitPython Guide.

20190204 is the latest CircuitPython library bundle.

v1.10 is the latest MicroPython release. Documentation for it is here.

3.7.2 is the latest Python release. The latest pre-release version is 3.8.0a1.

986 Stars Like CircuitPython? Star it on GitHub!

Call for help – CircuitPython messaging to other languages!

We recently posted on the Adafruit blog about bringing CircuitPython messaging to other languages, one of the exciting features of CircuitPython 4.x is translated control and error messages. Native language messages will help non-native English speakers understand what is happening in CircuitPython even though the Python keywords and APIs will still be in English. If you would like to help, please post to the main issue on GitHub and join us on Discord.

We made this graphic with translated text, we could use your help with that to make sure we got the text right, please check out the text in the image – if there is anything we did not get correct, please let us know. Dan sent me this handy site too.

10,398 thanks!

The Adafruit Discord community, where we do all our CircuitPython development in the open, reached over 10,398 humans, thank you! Join today! https://adafru.it/discord

ICYMI – In case you missed it

The wonderful world of Python on hardware! This is our first video-newsletter-podcast that we’ve started! The news comes from the Python community, Discord, Adafruit communities and more. It’s part of the weekly newsletter, then we have a segment on ASK an ENGINEER and this is the video slice from that! The complete Python on Hardware weekly VideoCast playlist is here.


The CircuitPython Weekly Newsletter is a CircuitPython community-run newsletter emailed every Tuesday. The complete archives are here. It highlights the latest CircuitPython related news from around the web including Python and MicroPython developments. To contribute, edit next week’s draft on GitHub and submit a pull request with the changes. Join our Discord or post to the forum for any further questions.

Have an amazing project to share? The Electronics Show and Tell is every Wednesday at 7:30pm ET! To join, head over to YouTube and check out the show’s live chat and our Discord!

Join us every Wednesday night at 8pm ET for Ask an Engineer!

Join over 38,000+ makers on Adafruit’s Discord channels and be part of the community! http://adafru.it/discord

CircuitPython – The easiest way to program microcontrollers – CircuitPython.org

New Products – Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! — New Products 11/15/2024 Featuring Adafruit bq25185 USB / DC / Solar Charger with 3.3V Buck Board! (Video)

Python for Microcontrollers – Adafruit Daily — Python on Microcontrollers Newsletter: A New Arduino MicroPython Package Manager, How-Tos and Much More! #CircuitPython #Python #micropython @ThePSF @Raspberry_Pi

EYE on NPI – Adafruit Daily — EYE on NPI Maxim’s Himalaya uSLIC Step-Down Power Module #EyeOnNPI @maximintegrated @digikey

Adafruit IoT Monthly — The 2024 Recap Issue!

Maker Business – Adafruit Daily — Apple to build another chip at TSMC Arizona

Electronics – Adafruit Daily — SMT Tip – Stop moving around!

Get the only spam-free daily newsletter about wearables, running a "maker business", electronic tips and more! Subscribe at AdafruitDaily.com !

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