Via Twitter Nicholas Tollervey (@ntoll) – The latest #MadeWithMu blog post discusses Dilnaam D’s project under the watch of teacher Sean Tibor at Pine Crest School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Nicholas writes:
Sean is one of the co-hosts (along with his colleague Kelly Schuster-Pared) of the excellent Teaching Python podcast. I’ve been working through the available episodes and constantly find myself grinning like the Cheshire Cat as I’m reminded of my own experiences as a teacher (of music), and learn how this talented duo of pedagogical pros practice the art of teaching technology, and especially Python. I heartily recommend you take a listen.
As to the project:
Dilnaam’s project is a sort of interactive face mask, made with an Adafruit Circuit Playground Express, CircuitPython and Mu. The mask allows folks to become aware of and manage their stress levels (very useful for teachers!). Dilnaam explains:
This mask was made to demonstrate how a Circuit Playground Express could be used to measure body temperature and indicate stress levels. My theory is that body temperature is an indicator of stressful feelings and that people can better control their stress when they have a visual indication of their own stress state.
In the picture (above), we can see see Sean bravely acting as a test subject as (presumably) Dilnaam looks on while making adjustments to the code in Mu. A teacher acting as a test subject for their students shows a wonderful sense of trust. This is great to see! 🙂
Dilnaam’s code is beautifully simple and well commented. Mu’s plotter feature is used to monitor the test subject’s temperature.
from import cpx
import time
while True:
# get the temperature in F
temp = cpx.temperature * 9 / 5 + 32
print((temp,)) # Fahrenheit output for Mu plotting
if temp > 91: # This is my initial theory for the stress levels and temperature
elif temp < 90:
See the full post on the Made with Mu blog and the project on GitHub. A great project Dilnaam!