On March 8, 2019 @ 7:55 pm ET the 2,000,000 order was placed for an Adafruit FONA 808 – Mini Cellular GSM + GPS Breakout, Adafruit Ultimate GPS FeatherWing, Mini GSM/Cellular Quad-Band Antenna – 2dBi SMA Plug, Adafruit Feather M0 with RFM95 LoRa Radio – 900MHz – RadioFruit, Adalogger FeatherWing – RTC + SD Add-on For All Feather Boards, and included the free items: Adafruit Perma-Proto Half-sized Breadboard PCB, Boomy the BoomBox – Limited Edition Enamel Pin. We’re reaching out to the customer and will be saying thanks … 2 million times 🙂
Update: From the customer!
“I love adafruit, and point out to my daughters that I order cool stuff from adafruit because it’s a woman owned business, and Limor demonstrably shows that its OK to be in tech, be yourself (and have cool hair), although I’m partial to mohawks. Lol.
You guys are freakin’ awesome! I purchased items for my tortoise tracker (yes… really… he escaped and managed to scuttle a mile away or so, while I was like 3d printing, LoRa and GPS for the win!). The fact that I happened to be the lucky customer makes it just that much more awesome.
Thank you so much, and thank you for being an amazing company and a true inspiration” – Old dude with a mohawk.
On November 13, 2018 @ 3:18 pm ET the 1,900,000 order was placed for a Lock-sport Pick Set!. On July 23, 2018 at 1:55 pm ET the 1,500,000 order was placed for a Raspberry Pi Zero W. On January 27, 2016 @ 10:49:52am ET the 1,000,000th order was placed for a Mini-Theremin Kit from Gakken. On October 16th, 20015 @ 09:24:46am we hit 900,000 orders – Previously on June 2 2015 at 10:50am we hit 800,000 orders! On Feb, 6 2015 at 6:06am ET we hit our 700,000th order! On October 6th, 2014 we hit our 600,000th order. On May 14, 2014 we hit our 500,000th order. Before that in December of 2013 we hit 400,0000 orders and then previously in June of 2013 we hit our 300,000 orders. On November 25th, 2012 we hit 200,000 orders. In August of 2011 we hit 100,000 orders.
The first order since we started counting orders this way was placed on October 12th, 2005 for a x0xb0x. Thank you everyone in the community for all the support, everyone here at Adafruit is here because of our community, we do not have loans or venture capital, we are a 100% woman owned, open-source hardware company, manufacturing in NYC, Adafruit exists because of all you. Special thanks to Daigo today as well, good timing. It also happens to be #InternationWomensDay today. And it looks like our CFO Stella guessed what day we’d hit the milestone within 24 hours AGAIN.
Thank you! Ladyada and the entire team at Adafruit.