Top 10 Arduino library downloads @arduino @arduinolibs #arduino #arduinod19

2019 Ytd Downloads


Today during the Arduino Day live stream Arduino had a slide with the top library downloads (we had asked about this for the AMA). Here are the top 10, and a screenshot from the live video. Arduino said they would publish these shortly.

Most popular libraries (over 2,150 in IDE, over 7000 in the wild)
2019 – YtD Downloads

  1. 238,344 Adafruit_Circuit_Playground
  2. 161,727 DHT_sensor_llbrary (Adafruit)
  3. 99,450 ArduinoJson
  4. 84,872 Servo
  5. 82,894 SD
  6. 79,774 Adafruit_GFX_Library
  7. 59,342 Adafuit_NeoPixel
  8. 57,582 LiquidCrysta1_12C
  9. 55,322 MFRC522
  10. 48,414 Blynk

For Adafruit, having the top spot and 4 total in the top 10 let us know the open-source code we release and maintain is being used, thank you community and to our team for your contributions and support. Also in the listings from Adafruit…


This is helpful and useful information for developers and the industry to see what folks are using, this only less than 3 months of data for 2019, however – there are a lot of good insights. Having this available as JSON or on a site would help out long-term as well for being able to monitor the downloads.

Here are some stats from State of Arduino on October 19, 2019.

Stats as of Dec 2, 2019.

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