NEW GUIDE: PyPortal IoT Plant Monitor with Microsoft Azure IoT and CircuitPython #AzureIoT #IoT #CircuitPython #PyPortal #AdafruitLearningSystem @Azure @Adafruit

PyPortal IoT Plant Monitor with Microsoft Azure IoT and CircuitPython

A new guide in the Adafruit Learning System: PyPortal IoT Plant Monitor with Microsoft Azure IoT and CircuitPython

Keep forgetting to water your plants? Want to monitor the ambient temperature of your the room your plant is located in from across the world? 

In this guide, you will build an Internet-enabled plant monitoring display by combining Microsoft’s Azure IoT Hub and CircuitPython!

Using Azure with your CircuitPython IoT projects allows you to rapidly prototype (and even mass-prototype) advanced internet-of-things devices and connect them to Microsoft Azure services.

Once your CircuitPython device’s data is sent to an Azure IoT Hub, you can link your IoT Hub with all of the Azure Cloud Tools, such as:

  • Machine Learning Studio
  • Stream Analytics: Real-time Stream data processing capable of supporting thousands of IoT devices.
  • Notification Hubs: Push information and notifications from a website (or any backend) to CircuitPython devices.
  • Digital Twins: Add spatial and physical information to your CircuitPython device.

CircuitPython is perfect for building Internet-of-Things projects. This project uses the ESP32SPI CircuitPython library, which can use the ESP32 as a WiFi-coprocessor to send web requests.

We’ve created a CircuitPython Azure IoT helper module to make interacting with an Azure IoT Hub incredibly simple.

See this guide now > > >

PyPortal IoT Plant Monitor with Microsoft Azure IoT and CircuitPython

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