The WiPhone, designed for hacking, is shipping evaluation units @Hack_EDA @HacksterIO

Via, The @Hack_EDA WiPhone ESP32-based VoIP phone is shipping it’s first evaluation units to testers. The production appears to be a bit late due to supply and bug fixes. The hackable phone still needs some hacking to get things to the level the team wants.

I think we are actually still on track to start shipping the Pro versions in August. However, we have ate up most of our schedule margin and we haven’t started the injection mold yet because there are a few mechanical design considerations that need to be resolved before we should jump into making tooling. So while it’s likely that the Pro versions can still start shipping in August if we continue to track our current schedule (since they are made by CNC the lead time isn’t so long), because we haven’t started the tooling the regular ones won’t.

Getting to production is hard as many Kickstarters have found. Hopefully the Hack EDA team will be able to knock things out this summer for a fall release.

See the Kickstarter page here.

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