A BlackBerry-like handheld built for @Adafruit #Feather microcontrollers @arturo182 @Hackaday

Last we checked on the Handheld FeatherWing project (which takes an Adafruit Feather format processor and makes a BlackBerry-like device), the board was in KiCad. Now @Arturo182 has a physical board he’s testing. Hackaday has been watching the progress and reports:

For those who might not have seen this project the first time around, the front features a 2.6 inch 320×240 touch screen display, four general purpose buttons, a RGB NeoPixel LED for visual status display, a five way joystick, and what’s arguably the star of the show, a QWERTY keyboard originally designed for the Blackberry Q10. Around the back it has an SD card slot, a socket for the Feather module of your choice, and some handy GPIO expansion pads you can attach your own hardware onto.

He’ll soon be sending out a handful of test units to individuals who’ve expressed interest in helping him develop the project and then…well, he’s not really sure what’s going to happen then.

He’s looking at using the brand new Adafruit_CircuitPython_CursorControl library Adafruit is releasing!

See the Hackaday article for details, Hackaday.io for the project log and the video update below. Great work!

Learn more about Feather via the Awesome Feather list and see Feather products on the Adafruit store.

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1 Comment

  1. Everett Rubel

    Whoa, nice!!

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