Is Cold Brew Better Than Iced Coffee?

If you’re like me and find yourself wondering what really is the difference between iced coffee and cold brew? And also find you can’t be bothered to look it up and find out, then we recommend you check out this article from The New York Times that spells it out for you (with a bit of cheeky humor to boot).

Around this time in July — when our ever-shortening spring weather takes a sharp right into the damp, hot depths of summer — coffee drinkers are confronted with a morning-altering decision: switch to iced coffee to combat the oppressive weather, or commit to hot coffee as a kind of bold, unnecessarily masochistic act?

Those who prefer their summer over ice have also grown accustomed to another question: regular or cold brew?

If you’re unfamiliar with the difference, think of cold brew as traditional iced coffee’s unhurried fraternal twin. Cold brew can’t go a day without a long, luxurious bath, while iced coffee can barely swing a quick shower; cold brew has read “The Goldfinch” (and is planning on a reread before the movie is released later this summer), but iced coffee unfortunately never had the time — what with work and the kids — though it has seen the trailer on mute.

Read more.

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