11 months ago littleBits acquired DIY.org, and today there is a Big Update about DIY.org that came in via the DIY.org newsletter, in addition to Make.co announcing memberships today, DIY.org is now also moving to a paid subscription model…
Later this week we will merge JAM and DIY and the combined platform will be called DIY.org.
DIY.org will now require a subscription. After running DIY as a free resource for 8 years we can no longer sustain its operation without support from our members. We understand this may pose challenges for your family and to ensure that every DIYer can continue their learning journey with us, we’re offering the following:
As a DIY member prior to the merger you will receive six months of FREE access to DIY.org if you activate your new account before August 31, 2019.
You will receive a substantial discount when you decide to continue your membership beyond the free trial.
Your card will not be charged unless you manually opt-in to a paid subscription at the end of your trial period.
- littleBits acquires DIY & JAM – AUGUST 14, 2018.
- New Diy App @diy – JUNE 17, 2013.
- DIY stories @diy – MARCH 7, 2013.
- Skill Patches @diy – FEBRUARY 4, 2013.
- @DIY backpack of badges – DECEMBER 2, 2012.
- “DIY” the movie 🙂 @diy – OCTOBER 17, 2012.
- @diy – Adafruit’s not the only “maker badge” maker – OCTOBER 4, 2012.
- “Introducing Skills” @DIY – JULY 31, 2012.
- Do It Yourself – @DIY – APRIL 26, 2012.